Terbinafine 250mg

Terbinafine 250mg

SKU: 5ca77155ec85 Category:


Terbinafine 250mg – Terbinafine 250 helps to treat certain types of fungal infections such as the fungus that affect the fingernails or toenails. Only use this medicine when your doctor prescribed you. Terbinafine refers to the group of drugs called antifungals.

How to use it:

When you use this medicine first read all instructions on the medicine label and follow it. Always take this medicine with mouth with water or as your doctor prescribed you. Your symptoms may better before the infection is totally removed. Skipping doses of this medicine can also raise your risk of additional infection that’s engaging to antifungal medicine. Stopping the medication too early may allow the fungus to still grow, which can end in a return of the infection. If you stop taking this medicine timely, your symptoms may return.

Side effects of Terbinafine:

There are some major and minor side effects of Terbinafine. If you show any of these side effects after taking this medicine then immediately consult your doctor.

  • Changes in your sense of taste
  • Blood in your urine or stools
  • Abnormal liver function tests
  • Stomach pain
  • Headache
  • Depressed mood


Before taking terbinafine tell your doctor if you have an allergy to it or an allergy to other medicine and food. Tell your doctor about it because it contains serval inactive ingredients that may cause any kind of allergy or other health problem. Share your medical history with your doctor because when they prescribed medicine they are based on your health condition. If you are pregnant tell your doctor before taking medicine.


Terbinafine may interact with serval medicine, your food time, alcohol, tabacoo, etc. When you take this medicine ask your doctor about the interaction of the medicine.